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When establishing a current view of your customer, which is an appropriate internal source of information?
A. Financial analyst forecasts of the company’s revenue for the next 3 years
B. Working documents created by new hires prior to their joining your organization
C. Websites of partners in the customer’s ecosystem
D. Service level agreements your firm helped to create, between the customer IT group and business units
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 2
Which customer-provided sources would give you insight into a public company’s recent financial condition?
A. A news article about a private company rumored to be an acquisition candidate for the customer
B. Quarterly filings with the country financial securities government authority
C. General market trends in an industry in which the customer participates
D. An 18-month old brochure that describes the company’s history
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 3
Why would an investment analyst report be a good source of company information?
A. It may give you an inside track on internal management relationships
B. You will find company-endorsed estimates of product level sales growth
C. It can complement company-published data and give you insight for discovery
D. This will report the customer’s actual IT expenditures for hardware, software, services
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 4
Which tool or document should you use to help identify high level gaps in knowledge about your customer’s overall strategy and operating model?
A. Business Model Canvas
B. An account coverage plan for your team’s territory
C. Communications plan rollout of a new application
D. A win/loss review from a proposal delivered to the customer 12 months ago
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 5
Which option will establish credibility with a customer executive?
A. Ask informational questions about industry trends
B. Talk a lot about your products new features
C. Describe the benefits of Cisco’s approach to customer support
D. Demonstrate awareness and interest in the company’s priorities and published financials
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 6
Which is a benefit from establishing credibility with multiple customer stakeholders?
A. You increase the odds of gaining an advocate for the largest cost alternative you can offer the customer
B. This shows your #1 priority is to build friends and allies
C. You build a basis for gaining insight into a range of customer viewpoints or priorities
D. You gain influence with the IT Executive, since they alone can help you displace a competitor
Correct Answer: C
Which statement best describes inside policy based NAT?
A. Policy NAT rules are those that determine which addresses need to be translated per the enterprise security policy
B. Policy NAT consists of policy rules based on outside sources attempting to communicate with inside endpoints.
C. These rules use source addresses as the decision for translation policies.
D. These rules are sensitive to all communicating endpoints.
Correct Answer: A
Which is an appropriate way to gain data useful for analyzing stakeholder support and power?
A. Benchmark study
B. Analyze win rates for the past 10 proposals you made to the company
C. Focus group with a team of customer executives
D. Business Motivation Model
Correct Answer: C
Which is the preferred aid to help you structure discovery meetings with customers?
A. IT cost analysis
B. Business case for the last two proposals
C. An article with a checklist showing advantages of your product vs.competitors
D. Strategic Question Asking Framework
Correct Answer: D
When discovering requirements, which behavior is appropriate?
A. End meetings earlier than planned to show a sense of urgency
B. Avoid taking notes, since you can always return for a follow up
C. Answer customer questions with details and numbers, to convince them you know what they need
D. Actively listen to the customer’s comments and effectively take notes
Correct Answer: D
Which is recommended as a good source to provide requirements in a customer engagement?
A. Individuals at firms who have purchased the customer’s services
B. Subject experts from the company’s strategy organization
C. Consultants who did projects for the customer organization 3 years ago
D. 3rd party staffing specialists / recruiters hired by the customer to fill positions during a busy work
season Correct Answer: B QUESTION 12
When 802.1X is implemented, how do the client (supplicant) and authenticator communicate?
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 13
Which approach is recommended for gaining deeper insight into pain points raised by a senior customer business leader?
A. Inform the customer of some statistics about their competitors, to get a reaction
B. Ask open ended questions about goals and impacts from challenges
C. Lead an exercise to define revenue the customer could gain from using remote experts on sales calls
D. Speak with peers of the customer leader, to find out whether this person has a reputation for making problems sound bigger than they really are
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 14
Which is true of a Business Motivation Model?
A. It includes detailed financial goals for the customer
B. It companies the priorities across levels of the customer organization
C. It requires that you understand the customer’s bonus plan for executives
D. It describes influences that are behind customer priorities and operating activities
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 15
Which would you reflect through a “To-Be” Business Model Canvas?
A. The customer’s desired top capabilities to increase productivity
B. Detailed process handoff criteria
C. A recommended organization structure for the IT department
D. A sequence of projects to deliver new collaboration features for the customer’s service reps
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 16
Which statement is true?
A. A viewpoint and statement of requirements are equivalent in accuracy
B. Viewpoints describe a stakeholder’s preference and desired capability
C. Requirements can be met, while viewpoints reflect stretch goals that are more difficult to realize
D. For a viewpoint to be considered, you should confirm at least three stakeholders agree it is a top priority
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 17
Which two of these will match a regular expression with the following configuration parameters? [a-zA-Z] [0-9][a-z] (Choose two.)
A. Q3h
B. B4Mn
C. aaB132AA
D. c7lm
E. BBpjnrIT
Correct Answer: AD QUESTION 18
Zhich is the Cisco recommended technique for verifying the `as-is’ state of the business?
A. Presenting root cause analysis
B. Discussing the Business Model Canvas
C. Modeling high volume parts of the customer’s business process
D. Using “The five whys” questioning approach
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 19
Which option represents a subject expert from a Cisco Channel Partner’s ecosystem recommended for you to use as a source of insight?
A. The customer’s lead procurement official
B. A government regulatory official familiar with the customer
C. A sales rep for one of the Partner’s competitors
D. An IT architect working at a software company that markets solutions bundled with the Channel Partner’s offerings
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 20
The business value approach helps you to do what?
A. Ensure that requirements gathering take the smallest possible resource and time
B. Use various techniques to add value through the discovery process
C. Bring sales opportunities earlier into the customer business roadmap, to avoid risks from possible budget cuts
D. Recommend services beyond the customer’s skill set, so you gain higher revenue
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 21
What is the benefit of changing a pain point into an opportunity?
A. Reduces IT costs to the business
B. Uses technology to raise efficiency
C. Allows the customer to overcome a perceived issue with upside potential
D. Raises IT spending and leads to higher return on investment
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 22
Which describes a business capability assessment?
A. Review of current capability metrics
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