Important Info: These new valid Cisco 642-813 exam questions were updated in recent days by Flydumps,please visit our website to get the full version of new Cisco 642-813 exam dumps with free version of new VCE Player,you can pass the exam easily by training it!
Which statement is a characteristic of multi-VLAN access ports?
A. The port has to support STP PortFast.
B. The auxiliary VLAN is for data service and is identified by the PVID.
C. The port hardware is set as an 802.1Q trunk.
D. The voice service and data service use the same trust boundary.
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Which two statements are true about recommended practices that are to be used in a local VLAN solution design where layer 2 traffic is to be kept to a minimum? (Choose two.)
A. Routing should occur at the access layer if voice VLANs are utilized. Otherwise, routing should occur at the distribution layer.